Award in Education and Training – AET/PTLLS (Online or Class Based) course in Swindon

Looking for Award in Education and Training- AET (Online or Class Based) course provider in your city, in Swindon? The UK leading Award in Education and Training- AET (Online or Class Based) course provider, Advance Training Academy has a training venue in Swindon with very good location for long time. If you live in this area, you can book the Award in Education and Training- AET (Online or Class Based) course former PTLLS (Teacher Training) course for this branch. We always give high priority for all of our branches and venue. Remember you can book this course very easy way either online, bank transfer, check, over phone or you pay directly in our head office. For more enquiry, please feel free to contact us-

Contact Us:
Advance Training Academy
Space House
Space Business Park
Abbey Road
Park Royal
NW10 7SU
Tel: 02089658255
Fax: 02089616454


Course Content:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Adult Learning
Chapter 2: Lesson planning
Chapter 3: Delivering a lesson
Chapter 4: Teaching adults
Chapter 5: Practical teaching sessions
Chapter 6: How to vary teaching techniques
Chapter 7: How to recognise and deal with potential problems
Chapter 8: Assessing how well pupils are learning
Chapter 9: Teaching equipment and aids

How long is the training course?

It has been designed to be completed by 3 Days depending on past experience and personal capabilities / competence.

Class Based AET Course:
Please note after 3 days in the class, your tutor will set deadline with you to submit your portfolio. However, if you submit early you will be certified early.

The Distance Learning course:
The distance learning course is done at your own pace with a Tutor’s Support & Guidance. All necessary materials will be sent to you by Special royal mail delivery once you book for the course. The entry requirement for this course is the basic functional skills (Numeracy, Literacy, ICT). However, we recommend the distance learning course for Individual’s with competence or experience. Once you book this course, you will be given up to 12 weeks to complete the assignments. However If you finish earlier, you will be awarded early. (You do not need to wait for upto 12 weeks). Within the 12 weeks, you need to come in for 1 day Micro-teach and assessment at any of our training venue close to you. During the micro teach, you will be observed by other delegates on the course, and your Tutor. (All resources such as Projector, Computer, Flip chart will be provided for your Micro-tech session). But you need to design a session plan, PowerPoint presentation, handouts etc in your sector / Industry for more information, please contact our dedicated admin team on 02089658255

Course assessment: 
No formal examination is required for this course, but at the end of the course you need to submit portfolio.

Total cost:
Our special price for distance learning (Online course): £275.00 or classroom based: £299.99 and 349.99 (All inclusive, no hidden charges)

You can book this course by telephone Tel: 02089658255 (For immediate booking).  Alternatively, you also can walk into our offices to book your course. All reading and exam materials will be provided upon completion of bookings. We could also come to you to if you have sufficent delegates.

Documents required from you:
You will be required to bring Identification documents such as Passport or drivers licence and proof of address utility bill or bank statement etc along with 1 passport size photographs.

Result and Certificate query?
For RESULT and CERTIFICATE query, please call us on weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

Any more Question?
Please check our FAQ Section or call us for further explanations, our dedicated customer service team will be happy to assist you.

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